Growing in Godliness Together

Women’s ministries at Trinity exist to encourage and support women of all ages and stages of life and at every step of their spiritual journeys. We’re convinced that women grow best in community, fed by the Word of God in the Scriptures and built up in fellowship with one another. We desire to provide opportunities for connections between women, where discipleship, service, mentoring, and warm relationships can be fostered. To that end, Trinity provides a range of opportunities for women to get together.

Special Events

Special women’s events typically happen three times a year, with panel discussions on topics such as forgiveness, hope, and vocation; service projects; and speaker-focused gatherings to hear from women from our congregation as they share how God has been at work in them and encourage us in our own growth. Smaller gatherings also occur as other opportunities arise. No matter the format of the event, we place a high priority on women meeting and engaging with one another.

Small Groups

While women are welcome in many of Trinity’s small groups, several groups specifically for women occur weekly, including an early morning book discussion group, a midmorning group with childcare provided, and a regular time of prayer. Some of us also attend Bible Study Fellowship, an inter-church Bible study for women in New Haven. These smaller gatherings provide stimulating content and conversation, and many one-on-one friendships begin in these contexts.


Friendships and mentoring relationships are important and valued at Trinity. As we draw close to one another and share life together in homes, in coffee shops, on walks, and during church fellowship times, women are encouraged in their faith, strengthened in love, cared for by the community, and challenged to walk worthy of the calling to which we have been called.

For more information, please contact the church office.